
How to achieve artificial intelligence adoption

In today's business world, where digital transformation is setting the course for organizations, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at work has become a strategic necessity to stay competitive. However, the road to successful AI implementation presents not only technological obstacles, but also human ones.

In this article, we explore from a neuroscience perspective some strategies that will allow us to leverage the human factor in the transformations. In this case, by understanding how the human brain works and how it responds to change, we can facilitate the adoption of AI within our organizations.

The brain and change

Our brain is designed to seek stability. Change represents the unknown, the uncertain, and this sets off our internal alarms. When a new technology such as AI is introduced into the work environment, many people may feel uncertainty or even fear of losing their relevance. Biases such as status quo or confirmation bias invite us to stick with the familiar, even when it no longer meets our current needs. As the well-known saying goes: “Better the devil you know than the good you don't know”.
Therefore, as leaders who guide change processes, it is essential to be aware of this biological challenge and prevent the “autopilot” from taking over. To achieve this, we must reframe the challenges: instead of seeing AI as a complex technology that will replace work, we must focus on the opportunity it provides to acquire new skills and grow professionally.

Leaders, a step ahead in the adoption of AI

Leadership plays a critical role. Leaders must be models of adoption, using AI in their own tasks and demonstrating to the team how this technology can be an ally to improve decision making and increase efficiency, without compromising the value of human work. Seeing leaders aligned under the same principles is a crucial factor that can determine the success or failure of the transformation, but this alone is not enough.

Tips for Leaders in AI Indoctrination

Now let's look at 5 tips to help accompany the adoption of artificial intelligence in our jobs and teams:

  1. Inspirational vision:Presenting AI not only as a tool to improve efficiency, but as an enabler to focus on more creative, strategic and high value tasks is a good start. It is crucial to make the team feel part of this story to achieve engagement and buy in of the idea. Our brain tends to prioritize groupthink and the desire to be part of something bigger. An inspiring vision activates the Default Mode Network, responsible for creativity and the possibility of creating new scenarios in our mind.

  2. Repetitive and clear communication:By constantly exposing the benefits of AI, employees' brains become familiar with the new technology, which reduces the sense of threat. It is not enough to communicate the benefits for the company; it is essential to explain how AI improves everyone's work and quality of life on a daily basis. Repetition triggers the Availability Cascade or Repetition Bias effect, whereby the more we repeat a message and it resonates throughout the organization, the more likely it is to be considered relevant and true. This strengthens the discourse and increases the likelihood of success.

  3. Involve the team in strategy and implementation:When people collaborate and contribute their own stamp, they are more likely to embrace change. This phenomenon, known as the Ikea Effect, indicates that the more we involve our teams in co-creating strategies, the more engaged they will be and the easier adoption will be.

  4. Celebrate small wins:As AI solutions are integrated, it is important to celebrate each team's accomplishments. This releases dopamine, which reinforces positive behaviors and keeps motivation high to continue adopting new technologies. Associating positive encouragement with new knowledge and initiatives facilitates the creation of sustainable habits over time.

  5. Put it into practice“Use it or lose it”. If we don't put what we learn into practice, we run the risk of forgetting it. Implementing AI on a daily basis is essential to maintain learning and avoid setbacks.

Here are some points to keep in mind when working with our teams, based on how our brains respond to change. The adoption of Artificial Intelligence is a unique opportunity to apply these insights and generate deep and sustainable change.
AI is not the future; it is the present. Coupled with the human brain's ability to adapt and grow, AI can take our organizations to new levels of success and innovation.

Are you ready to start this journey?

By Guido Olomudzski, Chief Customer Officer - OLIVIA Brazil


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