• Do companies dream of electric sheep?

    Do companies dream of electric sheep?

    Companies are the sum of their constituent parts. They must be attuned to the emotions and even the soul of their workforce. That is what organizational health is all about – and every high-level decision either […]

  • Leading after a shipwreck

    Leading after a shipwreck

    On February 26, 2020, a 61-year-old man tested positive for COVID-19 in São Paulo, Brazil. It was the first confirmed case in Latin America. As a society, we were sailing at cruising speed, without a care in the […]

  • It’s time to wake up and flatten the pyramid

    It’s time to wake up and flatten the pyramid

    This past year, many leaders have been focusing on something they have long ignored at their companies: the human element.

    With virtual workspaces becoming more established, the need for genuine connections between […]

  • Homo Digitalis

    Homo Digitalis

    Are we the next step in evolution? 30- to 50-year-olds grew up in a world without smartphones, but they have adapted to them. After all, the world’s entire urban and professional population is beholden to such […]

  • Corporate kindness is the new normal

    Corporate kindness is the new normal

    During the ongoing coronavirus crisis, we have seen several public demonstrations of corporate kindness. Many companies are going above and beyond when it comes to social responsibility, surprising onlookers with […]

  • The key to success in the midst of a crisis: the mindset

    The key to success in the midst of a crisis: the mindset

    The ongoing pandemic has forced us to rethink the future. Our goal: to ensure our actions make an impact and lead to transformation. 

    The plane shook. Then the shaking got worse, better, and worse again. The plane had […]