Going Beyond Gender Inclusion
A recent headline from a Spanish newspaper reads: “Talent in technology is needed (regardless of age).” Besides the challenge that covering today’s demand in technological expertise represents, what captured my […]
A recent headline from a Spanish newspaper reads: “Talent in technology is needed (regardless of age).” Besides the challenge that covering today’s demand in technological expertise represents, what captured my […]
“It’s time to reestablish human capital management and cultural practices within organizations in order to view this Great Resignation as a Great Awakening with new needs and desires.”
During the next two decades, the planet will face various inevitable climate dangers. Given this situation, how can technology serve us to transform businesses, economic sectors, cities and countries?
How we organize our companies, from entire areas to specific teams, needs to change. And data makes this need for change visible, helping to reinvent one of the oldest management tools.
The successful replacement of an important leader is never achieved through a natural process. It’s the result of a meticulously mapped out plan that requires modesty, teamwork and developed trust–a foundation that […]
The title of this article is, of course, Master Yoda’s well-known adage from The Empire Strikes Back. And it reflects what should happen when we apply change management to our projects. However, we may not always know […]
Change hurts and always exacts a cost. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is simply the latest example of this. But it’s the small heroes and players who best understand how to navigate change. Let’s learn from them.
The future might be unknowable, but there are ways to forecast upcoming scenarios and prepare for the worst — or the best. So instead of believing that tomorrow will just pick up where yesterday left off, we should […]
The idea that society anticipates its leaders and governors is a general thought. The groups that form society usually demand—and often carry out—the changes necessary in smaller environments, like businesses, before […]
The differences seen in sustainable management between Europe and the rest of the world are surprising and inspiring.
Prior to the unfortunate geopolitical tension we’re now experiencing as a result of the Russian […]
Acting within the planet’s limits allows us to internalize the impact of our income statement while also reporting back to society, creating a world of opportunities for future markets and presenting a new philosophy: […]
In the future, every organizations’ worth will depend exclusively on whether or not its existence makes the world a better place.