• How to break the boundaries of organizational manichaeism

    How to break the boundaries of organizational manichaeism

    The other day, a colleague mentioned to me that she was hesitant to propose an idea within the company because it could go wrong, and this conversation made me reflect on how the concept of good and evil impacts our […]

  • Socrates already knew about artificial intelligence

    Socrates already knew about artificial intelligence

    AI challenges us in all areas, but few as much as in the realm of leadership. The good news is that we already have the tools to take on this challenge, and they have nothing to do with code or technological solutions.

  • May the intelligence be with you

    May the intelligence be with you

    AI is among us, it permeates us. However, as humans, we do not know how to coexist with it, much less how to generate value through it. As in any healthy relationship, the secret lies in asking ourselves a question and […]

  • Designing future scenarios

    Designing future scenarios

    George Lucas turned 80 a few weeks ago. If there's one thing the creator of Star Wars has proven throughout his life, it's that you don't need a crystal ball to think about the future. We can imagine potential future […]

  • Data science and change management

    Data science and change management

    Companies often find themselves navigating through rough waters, requiring the management team to firmly hold the helm to avoid the whirlpools of the economy, the market, or geopolitics. It’s not about maintaining a […]

  • How do we tell the adventure of organizational transformation?

    How do we tell the adventure of organizational transformation?

    Who has not experienced something similar? We have an organization that is starting to implement a new technology to improve its processes. Initially, part of the management team is very enthusiastic about this […]

  • The art of DECIDING does not belong to AI

    The art of DECIDING does not belong to AI

    In a world driven by artificial intelligence (AI), where access to advanced tools is increasingly easy, the dynamics of decision making by business leaders are undergoing a major transformation.

  • Behind “We Are the World” and its lessons on teamwork

    Behind “We Are the World” and its lessons on teamwork

    With a cast of pop stars committed to a humanitarian cause, the project demonstrated how managing egos, conflict resolution and a shared vision can lead to extraordinary results in any arena, whether on the global stage […]

  • Three ways in which innovation is transforming change management

    Three ways in which innovation is transforming change management

    How new technologies, such as data analytics and artificial intelligence, are transforming change management in organizations. 

  • Conversations Demanded by AI

    Conversations Demanded by AI

    Artificial Intelligence challenges us far more than we imagine. Not so much because of its scope but -long before that- because of the questions it demands of us.

  • Is AI a job destroyer or job creator?

    Is AI a job destroyer or job creator?

    It's easy to assert that professionals need to be retrained to adapt to technology, but the big question is whether it's as simple to do so.

  • A futuristic vision of the power of AI

    A futuristic vision of the power of AI

    Artificial Intelligence poses a challenge to organizations that is comparable to the impact witnessed during the Industrial Revolution. The strategic allocation of time and resources to comprehend the driving force […]